ga('send', 'pageview');

Domain Driven Design in Go: Part 3

Up until now, we have only looked at one service in isolation, but this is seldom the case in a service-oriented architecture. For the last post in this blog series on Domain Driven Design in Go we will have a look at how we interact with other services. In particular, we will have a look at two concepts that help us reason about these interactions: application services and bounded contexts.

Metod Teknik

Domain Driven Design in Go: Part 2

In my previous post I announced a project I have been tinkering with lately; porting an existing DDD sample application to Go. I elaborated a bit about its background and the general structure of the application. In this post we are going to have a look at some of the implementation aspects that I have encountered so far.


Domain Driven Design in Go

In 2008, Citerus developed a Java sample application in close collaboration with Eric Evans, based on the examples in his book. The purpose was to showcase the concepts from DDD in a real-world application. Since then, the application has been ported to other languages such as C# and Ruby. Of course, as a DDD practitioner and a Go developer I thought it might be a fun exercise to try porting it to Go.

Metod Teknik

Att uppgradera DDD Sample Appen eller Vem @Ignore(rade) enhetstesterna?

Vi tänkte det skulle vara intressant att utforska ett antal perspektiv av system byggda med Domändriven Design. Vi vill se hur en uppdatering av vårt sätt att se på DDD och uppgradering av ramverk kommer påverka vår kodbas. Kommer våra ingrepp påverka den domänlogiken?   DDD Sample Appen togs fram tillsammans med Eric Evans och […]


Event Storming – ett effektivt sätt att utforska affärsprocesser

Upplever du att det finns ett glapp mellan de som förstår verksamheten och de som utvecklar mjukvaran? Genom en enkel övning kan ni utforska er affär, underlätta dialogen mellan de inblandade och samtidigt förbättra kvaliteten på er mjukvara. Att nå en gemensam förståelse av affären När ny funktionalitet ska utvecklas behöver ett team tid till […]