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Craftmanship Exchange part 2 – One week in Stockholm

As part two of our craftmans exchange program with Atomic Object, we were very happy to welcome Matt Fletcher for a week in Stockholm. We usually post in Swedish, but this one I’ll do in English. This past week has been special. Citerus had the great pleasure of having Matt Fletcher from Atomic Object visiting […]


Turboladda din systemarkitektur med Domändriven design och CQRS

Det har gått mer än fem år sedan Eric Evans introducerade begreppet Domain-Driven Design, DDD, med sin bok Domain-Driven Design – Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software.


Varför Clojure?

Om du är van att programmera objektorienterade språk som Java och C# så kan det funktionella språket Clojure verka förvirrande. Låt det inte avskräcka. Patrik Fredriksson förklarar varför Clojure är mödan värt att lära sig.


Your Build, Lava Lamps and Clojure

After a Javaform JUG meet-up this fall I happened to talk with @matkar (of Javaforum and Jfokus fame) at the pub following the meeting. He very convincingly described how great it is to use lava lamps as a visual tool for showing current build status. Actually, he pretty much insisted that I’d set it up […]


From Java to Clojure

Patrik Fredriksson takes us on a tour from Java to Clojure, by using a step by step conversion from one language to the other. If you’re a Java programmer who wants to know a little bit about Clojure, make sure you come along.


Mocking to the Rescue!

I am not really a big fan of mocking. My experience is that if you design your code to be testable, you only rarely have to rely on mocks, instead you’ll be fine just by stubbing an interface or two. But even as a proponent of what Martin Fowler calls classic TDD, I find it […]


Specification Pattern as a Refactoring Tool

Specification is a tactical design pattern presented in Erics Evans’ book Domain-Driven Design. It can be used not only when new code is written, but also as a power tool for refactoring work. Patrik Fredriksson shows us how to use the Specification pattern to transform a piece of ugly code into a creation of beauty.


Wiki Wiki Vad?

Att skriva och dokumentera är inte allas favoritaktivitet, men det finns sätt att göra det både roligare, effektivare och snabbare. Patrik Fredriksson berättar.